Delt Values
Delta Tau Delta is a values-based organization with Truth, Courage, Faith and Power as her core values. The day a member takes his Oath, he begins his pursuit of a life committed to excellence. The Fraternity is the cornerstone of that journey.
All Delt men live by a common mission: "Committed to Lives of Excellence." We guide men through our programs and our values so that they will have the confidence and tools to serve their fellow man.
All members of Delta Tau Delta live by the fundamental principles of Truth, Courage, Faith and Power.
Truth is vital in the relationship between an organization and the outside world. If an organization cannot be trusted, it will perish. Truth begins within the organization. To truly become brothers, men must be truthful to themselves and to one another. They must hold one another accountable.
Courage takes heart. Those who are courageous thrive. As you navigate through life, you will be confronted with many difficult decisions. Courage helps a leader understand the best option and take it, regardless of the popularity of that choice. Courage has a distinct relationship with truth. One must know the truth to stand for it.
Faith is belief. Faith grows, develops and changes. It means trusting yourself and believing your actions are appropriate. Faith will help you trust decisions you make and believe that given information is correct. A lack of faith drives a wedge through an organization and friendships.
Power begins as inner strength. Power is a combination of talents and inherent abilities and wisdom. Through united individuals, we can do so much more as a brotherhood than we can alone. The power of an organization, when combined with courage, faith, and truth, leads us into the future and ensures success.
In addition to the four principles of Delta Tau Delta, there are five phrases that complete our system of values.The value statements of Delta Tau Delta are evident in everything we do and say. Our values shape our decisions, our programs and our future.
Integrity is Essential: Integrity means doing what you say you will do. Integrity establishes credibility for yourself and the Fraternity and having it means others can trust you, believe you, and count on you.
Accountability is Fundamental to all Commitments: Accountability means holding to your promises, making you responsible for both your words and your actions.
Lifelong Learning and Growth are Vital: There is no status quo in the pursuit of excellence – you are either moving ahead through continuous growth and learning or going backward and slowly narrowing your choices and opportunities in life. There is no point in today’s world where one can afford to stop learning and growing.
Strengthening Community is Essential to our Vitality: The pursuit of a life of excellence must occur through constant interaction with many different communities. Therefore, a strong community is vital for your future, as well as the Fraternity’s.
Brotherhood Sustains Us: Delta Tau Delta is an organization that relies on Brotherhood to hold us together. Brotherhood involves individual responsibility to one’s self and to others.