
The president is head of the executive committee, which is focused on the long-term vision and direction of the group. The president is responsible for developing a strategic plan in helping other executive officers develop their goals and ensure they achieve them. He is the main contact for the chapter or colony regarding communication with the university, IFC and Central Office. The chapter president is the outward face of the organization to the campus community and the rest of the Fraternity.

Vice President

The vice president runs the administrative board, which is focused on the short-term vision of the chapter or colony looking 1-2 semesters into the future. He will work with the administrative board to set a calendar of activities and events for the chapter or colony. He is charged with ensuring his administrative committee chairmen are planning their events effectively and achieving their goals. The vice president directing chairmen and their committees to carry out the day to day programming of the chapter.

Director of Member Development

Delta Tau Delta is committed to life-long learning and the education of youth. The primary reason our members are in school is to learn both inside and outside of the classroom. As the director of member development, your primary role is to provide and promote learning experiences outside the classroom for members of your chapter

New Member Education Coordinator

The new Member education coordinator is responsible for acclimating the newest members of the chapter into Delta Tau Delta utilizing the 8-week new member program. They must set the conduct and moral standard for a group of impressionable new members. He designs and executes the 8-week hazing-free new member program for the chapter or colony. Transparency is a must for his work.

Academic Affairs Coordinator

The academic affairs coordinator tracks the academic achievement of the chapter or colony. He monitors the progress of each individual member and provides assistance or direction to campus resources for members and new members who may be struggling with their work. The academic affairs coordinator also helps select and stay in contact with a faculty academic advisor and recognizes excelling academic work of the chapter or colony membership.

Director of Finance

The director of finance will create and maintain an annual budget and manage the chapter’s accounts receivable and accounts payable. The director of finance will train up an assistant and work with the finance board to direct the membership in fiscal excellence. The director finance is essentially the CFO of the organization. He runs the finance board which consists of the president, vice president, assistant treasurer, and chapter or colony advisor. He will develop budgets, create monthly financial reports, collect dues from chapter or colony members and pay the chapter or colony’s bills. Men who hold this position receive practical financial management skills that can easily be translated into work after school.

Assistant Director of Finance

The assistant director of finance sits on the finance board and assists the director of finance as necessary. Traditionally, he helps with collecting dues and works with committees on developing their budget.

Director of Communication

The director of communications will summarize information for dissemination to various committees and other parties as needed, maintain an officer roster, report and confirm roster changes, and manage the public relations of the chapter. The director of communications takes notes at chapter or colony meetings, executive board and administrative board meetings. He is also responsible for overseeing DeltsConnect, Delta Tau Delta’s organizational management tool, as well as creating a public relations strategy to effectively develop the brand of the chapter or colony. He may also be called upon to send out mass communication messages to the chapter or colony and occasionally correspond with other organizations before and after events. For colonies, the director of communications is also charged with overseeing and the creation of the petition submission.

Director of Recruitment

Recruitment is the life-blood of the fraternity. The director of recruitment directs the “365 days a year” recruitment strategy. Though the director of recruitment does not need to be the most outgoing “salesman” of the chapter or colony, he needs to be able to track potential members and manage members to keep up recruitment efforts year-round. He should create a culture of year-round recruitment in the chapter, maintain a names list, and empower members to build relationships with potential new members.

Director of Risk Education

The director risk education shall work to foster a culture of healthy behaviors, provide opportunities for members to develop positive decision-making skills and oversee the execution of safe chapter events. The director of risk education is responsible for ensuring the chapter or colony limits risky behavior and liability at events. He enforces the Member Responsibility Guidelines and reviews the document with the chapter or colony. His responsibilities are not limited to “official” events on campus but to all instances where Delts gather.

Director of Standards

The director of standards is the chairman of the honor board. The honor board is the body that holds members accountable for conduct and bylaw violations. They have the power to levy sanctions on members who do not uphold their Delt values. The director of standards also works with the honor board to write and maintain the chapter or colony bylaws.

Honor Board

Typically, the honor board is made up of one or two members from each academic class and is run by the director of standards. The honor board is responsible for handling instances where members or groups of members violate the chapter or colony’s or university’s code of conduct. This is an extremely important to maintain the chapter or colony's independent sustainability. The honor board is also responsible for creating a set of local bylaws which will guide the chapter or colony moving forward.


Brotherhood Chairman

The brotherhood chairman oversees the brotherhood committee which plans events and activities for the members to spend time with each other. Typically, the chapter or colony plans smaller weekly events (movie nights, dinners, etc.) along with monthly/semesterly and more complex events (camping trips, ball games, etc.). The committee should also encourage active involvement in campus-sponsored events.

Philanthropy and Community Service Chairman

The philanthropy and community service chairman oversees a committee that organizes fundraising events that raise money and awareness for a charity. He also stays in contact with other fraternity and sorority life and non-fraternity and sorority life organizations on campus to provide the chapter or colony with opportunities for members to get involved with other philanthropic events on campus and within the community. His committee develops and maintains a strong working relationship with their local JDRF chapter. He also holds the responsibility of providing direction to the committee to set up and maintain the chapter or colony’s service program. He is charged with identifying community service opportunities for chapter or colony members and tracking each member’s volunteer hours. His focus is on upholding the value of “strengthening the community.”

Social Chairman

The social chairman is responsible for planning events that are purely social in nature for the chapter, typically events that have guests in attendance. This position is also responsible for executing all events in accordance with Delta Tau Delta policy and state and local laws, creating safe and fun events for the chapter to participate in.